My Husband…The Genius

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAYes, my husband is a genius! When we built our log home in 1997 we both had a dream to have a spiral staircase! No, not a black rout iron set. A wooden spiral staircase made with logs. But could he do it?

YES, he did it!

Would you like to see how he did?

StairwayOkay, I’ll show you!

First of all he got a very big log, big around and tall, from our log man. He planed it down like every other log in our house.


Then he drilled a hole near the top, about a foot from the top.


He anchored it to the upper story with a very  Stairway 30003long bolt. Jerry is standing in the dining room putting the bolt through, between the floor joists. That log isn’t going anywhere!

The look on Jerry’s face is priceless! You’ll have to click on the picture to see it!


The next step was to start cutting the Stairway 70007notches in for the steps. Watching him with his electric chain saw was very scary for me!!!

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The first step fits! Yeah!

You can see I’ve started my Christmas decorating!

Stairway 90009


He was able to do about three steps a day. Our son, Rob, is helping him here.

Stairway 100010


The steps are all in and the braces under each step have been added.

Stairway 110011


Next comes the logs for the railing.

Stairway 130013Wow, my husband is a genius! He had no blueprints! Just a dream…an idea in his head and he did it!

It’s beautiful! It’s unique!

About allinadayofme

I can't believe I'm in old age! I'm now in my eighties! I'm a child of God, wife to one, mother to five, grandmother to 15 plus two granddaughters-in-law! I'm a great-grandma now! I'm a sister, aunt, cousin, friend and neighbor. I'm a housewife and former ESL tutor. I love reading and writing. I've just retired from writing and editing a newsletter, Prime Time News, for seniors. I love genealogy, traveling, birds and animals, blogging and taking pictures.
This entry was posted in Home, Jerry, Me, Memories, Projects, Spiral Staircase, Staircase, Work and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

15 Responses to My Husband…The Genius

  1. Ruth says:

    Very nice! Your home is so cozy. How long have you lived there now?


  2. Iris Duff says:

    Wow, what an ambitious project! It’s beautiful!


  3. Ray's Mom says:

    Genius he is. Beautiful job.


  4. Laura Cameron says:

    I love this and how you explained how Jerry did everything! 🙂 It really is neat how much he built, it all looks amazing and he really is a genius! I hope I marry a genius who builds me a log cabin! 😉


  5. sydneyandkay says:

    Yes Grandpa is very smart and thoses area favorite staircases and favorite house and favorite Archer Grandparents! Love you
    Syd ❤


  6. bjones1031 says:

    Wow! Where can I get one of these? Not the staircase- although AMAZING- but the husband who is willing and able to build it. That is a beautiful staircase!


  7. Sue Husted says:

    Just looking at this tonight. How nice to have a spiral staircase and such a talented and wonderful husband to build it. You are blessed. (as I am) God has been so good to us both. Chuck doesn’t do wood work or building, but has put together a few things in his day. And also does a lot of other talented things with creativity.


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