Oops, I forgot Monday

Sunday was a day of rest…church, open house, golf, ride, ice cream cones.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMonday Gene power washed the front porch.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWhat a big job that was!






The wood we have stacked on the porch was simply moved from one side to the other.

It’s stacked on an antique mining cart! The cart was found and purchased by son, Ted. What a find!!!

About allinadayofme

I can't believe I'm in old age! I'm now in my eighties! I'm a child of God, wife to one, mother to five, grandmother to 15 plus two granddaughters-in-law! I'm a great-grandma now! I'm a sister, aunt, cousin, friend and neighbor. I'm a housewife and former ESL tutor. I love reading and writing. I've just retired from writing and editing a newsletter, Prime Time News, for seniors. I love genealogy, traveling, birds and animals, blogging and taking pictures.
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2 Responses to Oops, I forgot Monday

  1. sydneyandkay says:

    Sounds like a hard but exciting day! Love y’all
    Syd ❤


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