A Christmas Luncheon

This morning I dusted all my shelves off and replaced 10 of my Nativity sets. You see, I packed up 10 of them Saturday night to use as decorations on Sunday, at church for our Prime Time OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERALuncheon. Our small group hosted the dinner of broiled chicken breasts with all the folks providing scalloped potatoes, vegetable dishes, rolls, salads and desserts. It was a fun dinner with Christmas as the theme. We had a friend, Joann, playing Christmas music, on the piano, all through the entire dinnertime and then we sang Christmas Carols after we ate. A friend, Creston, joined Joann and played his guitar with




another friend, Duane, leading our singing.

Now, with the luncheon over,  it’s time  for me to get ready for company!


About allinadayofme

I can't believe I'm in old age! I'm now in my eighties! I'm a child of God, wife to one, mother to five, grandmother to 15 plus two granddaughters-in-law! I'm a great-grandma now! I'm a sister, aunt, cousin, friend and neighbor. I'm a housewife and former ESL tutor. I love reading and writing. I've just retired from writing and editing a newsletter, Prime Time News, for seniors. I love genealogy, traveling, birds and animals, blogging and taking pictures.
This entry was posted in Christmas, Church, Cooking, Decorations, Friends, Nativity Sets, Prime Timer's Luncheon, Small Group and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink.

8 Responses to A Christmas Luncheon

  1. Kathy mcFadden says:

    So nice!!


  2. Ray's Mom says:

    Must have been a fun occasion.


  3. sydneyandkay says:

    I love you grandma!!! And happy 12.12.12.
    I cant wait to see you soon! This loooks like a fun dinner! the nativity sets were a really great idea!


  4. cialis kopen says:

    I really adore this subject and can’t read enough about it!


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