He Is Still There

Jerry built a fire in the wood burner this morning so it’s nice and cozy in here. I should be feeling better. I’d like to write a cheerful post but how can I when I’m not feeling cheerful?  In addition to my leg hurting and just feeling bad all over I’m also depressed. How much longer am I going to have Shingles?

This morning I read the daily devotion by Charles Swindoll. He’s one of my favorite speaker/writers. I’ve skipped a lot of days reading just because I’ve been so down. But today I decided to read and see what he had to say. He’s doing a series on Job. Job 3:1-26  was the scripture. In my depressed state I could relate to Job. (But he didn’t give up and I’m not going to either.)

Then I read the devotional that went with the scripture. The last sentence got me. “Have you ever been really depressed? God is still there.”

Oh yes, I know that. But how quickly I forget. I needed that. What prompted me to read this morning when I’ve been skipping so many days?

Heavenly Father, I praise You because You are Omnipresent, You are Love, You are my Healer. Please touch my body. Please remove this dark cloud of depression.  Help me to know that You are In Control. I love You.

About allinadayofme

I can't believe I'm in old age! I'm now in my eighties! I'm a child of God, wife to one, mother to five, grandmother to 15 plus two granddaughters-in-law! I'm a great-grandma now! I'm a sister, aunt, cousin, friend and neighbor. I'm a housewife and former ESL tutor. I love reading and writing. I've just retired from writing and editing a newsletter, Prime Time News, for seniors. I love genealogy, traveling, birds and animals, blogging and taking pictures.
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5 Responses to He Is Still There

  1. Barb says:

    Praying that you feel better emotionally and physically soon dear Anita! We love Charles Swindoll we listen to a sermon a night from him! We love you!!


    • Thank you so much, Barb, for your comment. It helps to know friends care. Please keep me in your prayers. This too shall pass.


      • Barb says:

        To be honest I’ve been in a battle with depression lately as well. I’m really, really trying to avoid going back on medication – I don’t like the way I feel on them. We will just have to pray each other thru this!


  2. Gail Slawson says:

    Hi Anita,
    Just talked to an 86 year old friend of mine from church and she said she had Shingles once in the past and that she would pray for you because she understood what you were going through. By the way, when I told her how old you were, she said. “Well, she’s just a “spring chicken!”

    It’s encouraging to know the Lord sent you the exact words you needed this morning. Oh, how close He is even when we feel He’s far away. Hosea 6:3, also gives us much encouragement, “So let us know, let us press on to know the Lord. His going forth is as certain as the dawn; And He will come to us, like the rain, like the spring rain watering the earth.”


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