
20130909_074814[1]One of my favorite states! I love the west side of the mountains.



It seemed like a long drive today but I was anxious to get to Stanwood, to the cemetery where my dad has been since January 2006 and where my mother now is.

I got a few good pictures from the car as we drove.






I’m not sure which mountain this is but it was beautiful!



20130909_135738[1]When we arrived in Stanwood and were driving to the camp where we stayed I saw the roof of an old barn! I recognized it! It was the old barn that my dad watched and made the statement or question: “I wonder which will go down first, this old barn or me?”

Well, Dad died in December 2005 and that old barn is ???????????????????????????????????still there!






20130909_135726[1]It’s hardly visible but it’s there…







We stayed in a cottage on the Warm Beach Conference & Camp Ground. It was very comfortable. This shows the living room, Pam is working a puzzle. In the morning a fire in the fireplace warmed us up nicely.

I walked over to the senior center where my parents had lived for about 35 years. I haven’t been there for about five years so some things had changed but some was the same. The biggest change was in the people. Folks who were so independent and lived in apartments were now in the nursing home. I visited with a few of my friends: Vera, Mary, Tillman…

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis is Tillman and me. He seemed really happy to see me. He had some things to show me, one was a photography book by his grandson! We looked through the entire book. No wonder he’s proud! We talked about his wife, Gwen, who is gone now and he misses her. They had been missionaries in Zimbabwe. It was Rhodesia when they were there. My…the stories he has to tell! I treasure the time spent with him.

Then it was time for him to go to supper and for me to leave. I pushed him in his wheel

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAchair to the dining room. As I left the building I turned around and looked once more…he was watching me. He smiled that big smile of his and waved to me. This is probably the last time I’ll see him on this earth…but I will see him again!

??????????On my walk to the nursing home I saw a couple of spider webs.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI also saw some wood carving that was very interesting.

About allinadayofme

I can't believe I'm in old age! I'm now in my eighties! I'm a child of God, wife to one, mother to five, grandmother to 15 plus two granddaughters-in-law! I'm a great-grandma now! I'm a sister, aunt, cousin, friend and neighbor. I'm a housewife and former ESL tutor. I love reading and writing. I've just retired from writing and editing a newsletter, Prime Time News, for seniors. I love genealogy, traveling, birds and animals, blogging and taking pictures.
This entry was posted in Africa, Family, Friend, Friends, Jerry and Me, Me, Old Barns, Pam and Gene, Spider Web, Tillman, USA, Washington, Wood Carving and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Washington

  1. Lena Rae says:

    What a nice smile Tillman has! He loves the Lord. I can see it in his face!
    My dad died a few years ago, too. It’s hard to loose a parent. But I can now say I’m finally over losing him.
    Hope you’re feeling better. Have a safe trip home.


  2. Thanks, Lena Rae! It’s been a long trip but we think we’ll be home Saturday evening. 🙂


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